The Haskell Ag Lab's Family Field Day is right around the corner! The Family Field Day provides research-based programming to show agricultural practices being utilized at the Haskell Ag Lab, and highlight the research and projects produced by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Nebraska Extension.
Here are some of the presentations and tours that will be at our Field Day:
- Current Trends in Nebraska Land Values, Cash Rent, and Lease Considerations for 2024 - Jim Jansen (Main Shop)
Join agricultural economist Jim Jansen as he presents current trends in farmland values, cash rental rates, and lease arrangements across the state in 2024. Discussion of cash rent rates includes dryland and irrigated cropland along with grazing land rental rates for northeast Nebraska. Insight into lease arrangements outlines major pitfalls in land contracts and proper methods to overcome these challenges. The presentation highlights real estate trends and economic indicators to give attendees the insight necessary for making informed land management decisions.
- What's Your Cost of Production and Breakeven Prices? The ABC's of Enterprise Budgeting - Glennis McClure (Main Shop)
Let's look at current crop production costs and profit margins and how you can modify enterprise budgets created by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as your own. We'll do a brief overview of enterprise budgets and discuss the ABC (Ag Budget Calculator) program, its features, and how it can work for you and your farm operation.
- Great Plains Heifer Development Center Update - Connor Biehler (Main Shop)
This year, 132 heifers were consigned by producers across Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa, and Minnesota to participate in the Great Plains Heifer Development Program. Connor Biehler, beef extension educator at Nebraska, and Kiernan Brandt, professional service technician with Trans Ova Genetics and former extension educator with SDSU, have a shared vision of optimizing and enhancing reproductive efficiency and heifer development. This presentation will review the past year of the program, and how it could benefit your operation.
- 4R's of Nutrient Management Research Updates 2023 - Michael Kurtzhals and Anmol Singh (Tour)
The 4R's of Nutrient Management are right source, right time, right place, and right rate. Join Michael Kurtzhals and Anmol Singh as they give an update on their 2023 research. Anmol will present information about his research trial dealing with all 4R's of nutrient management on sandy soil, and Michael will be presenting information on right source and right time.
- Pathology Research (Tour)
Join Dylan Mangel and Talon Mues as they dive into their on-going research! Dylan will speak on his research on white mold (Sclerotinia stem rot of soybeans) control with fungicides. He will also go into detail about his research trials on the efficiency of different fungicides and fungicide timing on frogeye leaf spot. Talon will present on the development of tar spot and other corn diseases that are affected by sprinkler irrigation at two different sprinkler heights. His other research includes fungicide efficiency testing at various application timings for foliar corn disease.
- Arboretum Tour
Chris Wood will be guiding the walking tour through the Haskell Ag Lab Arboretum. The arboretum showcases what species of trees will grow in the area, help the public identify tree species, and to be a refuge to wildlife. The arboretum also features many fruit trees and contains a pollinator garden and apiary.
- Mill Demonstartion and Raised Bed Tour
There's no such thing as wood waste and there shouldn't be wood wasted. Join Kim Slezak as she shows the second life of a tree through milling, an option for trees that need to come down for a variety of reasons. Kim feels utilization is all about the best use and highest value for each tree. Leslie Johnson and Nicole Luhr will also be showing the recently built raised garden beds from locally milled lumber, and how raised beds could help your own backyard food production.
For more information, go to Family Field Day or find the tentative schedule at
This event is funded in part by the Dixon County Convention and Visitors Bureau, Grossenburg Implement, Farm Credit Services of America, NNTC, and Nebraska Soybean Board.